It's so exciting to have this book out in the world for everyone to read! This is probably the most angsty book I've written yet. The journey Bri and Trey go on from the time they are seventeen through Concealed is beyond intense. I am so glad that I decided to write their story. It never intended to go back in time prior to Conflicted, but Bri and Trey were such amazing secondary characters that their story before you meet them in Conflicted deserved to be told. If you haven't done so yet, pick up your copy today and go on one hell of a ride with everyone!
As awesome as it is to have my latest release out there, let's talk other books! What book are you looking forward to the most this month to read? I am counting down the days until Helena Hunting's A Kiss for a Kiss is available for me to devour. I loved Jake and Hannah in A Secret for a Secret and I can't wait to see what Queenie, Kingston, Stevie, Bishop, Rook, Lainey, Alex, and Violet are up to in this latest installment. Share with me what you're dying to read. It's been awhile since I indulged and filled up my TBR with new stories and authors.
In other news, I'm back to putting out a monthly newsletter. This month's letter will drop some time next week. There will be a special treat in there for just newsletter subscribers, so be sure to sign up for it. You can do so on the home page of my website or on my Author Facebook Page.
I would also encourage everyone to join my reader group, MMK's Rockin Divas (https://bit.ly/2POgEXs). I generally drop a tease of what I'm working on every week. There is also a lot of fun games every day, plenty of laughs and smiles to go around, and flash giveaways each month to celebrate birthdays. It's honestly a great group of women and we'd love to have us so come join us!
Before I go, I wanted to share part of the note to the reader at the end of Finding Our Someday. It's dear to my heart and something I hope people do take a moment to read. Mental health is such an important thing in this world, but often not talked about enough when it really should be. Never be afraid to share what's troubling you. We're all battling something, so you are no alone! Sharing this note was very hard for me to do, but something I feel like we all should do more, so that there is more awareness. That's it for this week. Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Stay tuned for more updates and fun to come!
Most of all, I wanted to share Bri’s story. She’s one badass chick who endured a lot of trauma in her life, but managed to come out on the other side a strong, independent woman who loves the ones she holds dear fiercely. She’s my warrior. She's the character I’ve always related to the most since I started this journey in 2013.
Writing some of the things she had to go through still brings tears to my eyes. With all my characters, I walk in their shoes and feel their pain—there was no exception with her. If anything, I felt it the most with her and had to take breaks at times to get my head back in the game. My heart ached for Bri so many different times throughout Fighting for Someday, Waiting for Someday, and Finding Our Someday because I know there are so many people out there who've had to experience some of the unspeakable things she did. They also did so without someone who is as strong and loving as Trey to help them through it. My heart breaks for those people so much and I felt that while writing those difficult scenes.
Anxiety and PTSD are such animals to deal with in this world. I have mild OCD and experience anxiety attacks because of it. I'm what you'd classify as a checker, but I also have such a degree of striving for perfection that it can become crippling if I don't catch it right away. Believe me, I understand what it is like to feel out of control because your brain spins so fast with worst case scenarios that you’re terrified your entire world is about to fall off its hinges. If you or anyone you know experiences anxiety, PTSD, OCD, or any mental health issue, please don’t hesitate to reach out for help. You’re not alone!
All my love,