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I've got that Friday feeling!

Yes, I'm a total Marvel nerd and proudly admits it. I'm so stoked for this movie!! Being able to finally get the backstory for Natasha is going to be awesome. What makes it even better is being able to see it in theaters. It's nice that the world is finally returning to normal. I have a feeling after I see this movie tonight I'm going to end up binging all of the Avengers movies again. Time well spent in my book. Plus, I always enjoy writing with Marvel in the background! Makes for some kickass action scenes!

Fighting for Someday will be free from June 11th through June 25th for the book review tour being hosted by Kylie's Fiction Addiction ( For more details, hop on over to her group for more information. I was in the group last night for a takeover and have some gift cards, ebooks, swag, and signed paperbacks up for grabs, so don't miss out! If there are any groups out there you'd recommend or would like to see me takeover for an evening, be sure to comment below and shoot me a direct message. I love dropping in and interacting with readers!

As I mentioned last week, I really hope that people take this review tour opportunity. Reviews are an authors bread and butter in so many ways. I love seeing all of them whether they're good or bad. I always want to improve my writing and to find what best resonates with my readers, so please take a moment to drop a review if you haven't in the past. It's never too late!

I am so stoked to announce that a deal has been made for the Secrets and Lies series for audiobooks.

Kodi at Redrich, LLC will be doing the narrating for Conflicted, Complicated, and Concealed. Conflicted is currently in production. I can't wait to get my hands on her first checkpoint for me. She really nailed the emotions for all the characters in her audition and I'm so excited for everyone to get a chance to listen to how she shares Mia and Ethan's story. I'm still trying to find the right person for The Someday series, but feel confident that the right person will present themselves soon enough. The tentative release date for the S&L audiobooks will be in December along with the box set for that series. Once I have more firm dates in mind, I'll be sure to share them, but that is the month I'm shooting for to drop them.

I've been working hard on the online store. I've added a ton of products. I'm still playing with the pricing and bundles. Most of the products on there with my logo were just for fun. I got caught up in creating things one night on Zazzle and Vistaprint, which led to all of them. What I'm more excited for people to check out is the opportunity to order signed paperbacks or swag bundles. If you haven't checked it out yet, I recommend taking a moment to browse around! There's some really cute and affordable stuff out there!

As I mentioned last week, Jennifer at Greeff-iti Designs has been hard at work on revamping the S&L teasers for me. I've gotten a look at most of the ones for Complicated this week and they don't disappoint. The new ones for Conflicted have been uploaded to the media gallery as well as the rest of the ones for Complicated, so be sure to check them out. They are also popping up on my author page as well along with sneak peeks into the scenes that they were pulled from. It's been exciting to revisit Mia and Ethan during this process. It makes me miss writing for them. Maybe a novella will be on the horizon for them. Who knows? After all, Ethan is a little too yummy not to share some more of, right? The teaser below says it all!

That's all I really have for now. The rest of this month is going to be pretty hectic on the personal front. I've taken on a new part-time position that will take a bit more of my time on top of my contract work, but I'm really excited for it. I'll also be back on the auction scene for three days this month. I love working auctions with Kerkhoff and am always thrilled when me ask me back to help out. Maximus also turns one this month so I'll have to do a party of some sort for him. He's spoiled rotten all year so finding something new to get him might be a bit of a challenge, but I'm up for it!

Have a great weekend!


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