This is one of my favorite days of the year. It’s no coincidence that my characters have Irish ancestry. I’m very proud of my own Irish history. I love celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. From having a green beverage to wearing something lucky to me, I love having fun today. As a treat to readers, I’ve put all the books on sale today for $0.99 cents! What’s your favorite holiday to celebrate? What do you do to make it as fun as possible?

The release of the Secrets and Lies Box Set went awesome. I’m still blown away by the amount of new people who find the series and end up loving the characters as much as I do. There were some amazing reviews that truly warmed my heart. If I don’t say it enough, a huge shout out to all of the blogging community. You are the true rock stars of the reading community. Thank you so much for all your hard work and all that you do for authors!

Unfortunately, there have been more delays with the completion of Complicated and Concealed on audio. I truly hope to have them wrapped by the end of this month. Having the whole Secrets and Lies series available in audio is something I’ve dedicated a lot of time to in the last year and can’t wait for everyone to have their chance to listen to the series.

As stated in last month’s blog post, due to the rising Covid-19 cases, the DC Bookstars Casino Royale signing on March 18th and 19th, 2022 has been postponed to October of 2023. Unfortunately, I will no longer be able to attend this signing. I have another signing that is two weeks after the new proposed date and I can't pull off being at both of them my full-time job.
I’ll jump right into Authors in the Steel City. That is coming up on April 8th and 9th in Pittsburgh. I am no longer going to attend that signing either. It’s a last minute decision on my end, but I found out that the duplex I rent is being sold by the owner so I have to move in the upcoming months. I cannot justify spending the kind of money it costs between flights, hotel, and car rentals when I know I am likely to incur a financial setback with having to relocate. I could go into greater detail, but in the end I have to do what is best for me and my dogs and that is to back out. I DO NOT take these decisions lightly so please know that if there was a way to pull it off, I would try, but there just isn’t.

I have elected to keep my signing at the Mall of America in Minnesota on August 6th because it is in Minnesota and I won’t incur flight, hotel, car rental, and book shipping costs to attend it. I have done this signing in the past and enjoyed it. I’m thrilled to do it again and to bring my bestie’s youngest as my assistant. She’s stoked to join me and we hope to see you there! You can learn more about the event here → https://www.royaltouchphotography.com/event

If you haven’t checked out my online store yet, I highly recommend it. There’s some fun new bundles that are specific to the characters. You can also get signed copies of all the books in paperback and hardcover from there along with a lot of other goodies! I keep playing around and adding new stuff each month, so be sure to hop over and check it out.

Taming J is with Monica at Nerd Word Editing. She does such amazing work and I’m thrilled to be working with her once again. She helps sharpen my stories and I love seeing her suggestions on getting it as perfect as it can be before it gets to you guys. I’m also back to a steady writing schedule. Diving back into Saving Us has been awesome and I’m so happy to have words flowing again after being blocked for so long.

That's all for this month! Tune in next month to catch the latest updates. Thank you to everyone for your continued love and support!