I can honestly say I don't take days off very often, but it was nice to take nearly two full days off from everything to enjoy my favorite people and fall sport. Even though the Vikings lost on Sunday, our seats were amazing and I got some great quality time in with my godson. What was even better is that he's a huge Browns fan and they played a great game for him to see. We also got to eat some amazing food Saturday night with his mom and little sister at Fogo in downtown Minneapolis. I highly recommend the place as the food and service were out of this world! Being up in the metro made me miss living up there, but I was happy to come home to my boys!

We're having some unusually warm weather here in Minnesota, so I've been able to take breaks in the evening from author life and contract work to walk these two handsome fellows. The above picture is pretty common in our house after we take our walk around the neighborhood and say hi to everyone. I'd like to say that Max has grown on Marley in the last year, but that's really not the truth. It's shocking Marley let him sit so close to him and that I caught a photo of it. Max truly is the little brother who just wants to love him, but doesn't get the hint to leave Mar alone when he's done humoring Max and playing for the day. Kids!

TikTok is now the place to be. Last month, I got started on it and then fell off, but I'm trying to get back my footing. It's truly an awesome platform. I just wish it didn't take me so long to create the videos. Hopefully, I'll continue to get faster as I go. So far, the dogs are a big hit with the book series coming in second. If you haven't checking out my TikTok page, you can do so here --> https://www.tiktok.com/@mmkoenig12?lang=en.

I'm really excited for Complicated to begin its tour with Kylie's Fiction Addiction. The reviews continue to pour in for Fighting for Someday, Waiting for Someday, Finding Our Someday, and Conflicted. Hopefully, Complicated will pick up just as many readers, or at least retain the ones that have picked up the other books so far. Complicated will start its review tour with Kylie's Fiction Addiction on October 10th through October 23rd. While it's on its run, it will be FREE.

The next big thing I have on my personal front is heading back to the metro to watch The Eternals in a kick ass movie theater and enjoy some more good food. If you're a Marvel fan like me, you'll understand why sometimes you just have to make a weekend of it. I'm so stoked for this movie and will be working my butt off in between now and November 5th to make some progress on Saving Us so that heading to this movie truly does feel like a reward.
That's all I have for the moment. I'm off now to listen to some more audio chapters of Conflicted. I can't wait to share the whole book with all those audio lovers out there really soon, so stay tuned!