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Taming J is finally live!!


The time has finally arrived for Taming J to make its way out into the world! A lot of the past month has been getting graphics ordered and approved for Taming J. I’ve worked with Jennifer Greeff at Greeff-iti Designs since I started my publishing career. Every graphic I use for my books comes from her. She’s got an amazing eye when it comes to graphics and book covers. If you haven’t checked out what she has to offer, do so here → You won’t regret it. Everyone that comes across my teasers and ad graphics gush over them!

In case I haven’t shouted it loud enough on all my social media platforms, Taming J is LIVE! If you haven’t grabbed your copy yet, go get it now. Need a little push to do so. Here’s what my editor had to say about Taming J →

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. WAY TO END THE BOOK! I AM LOSING MY MIND!!!!!!! Fantastic!!!! ~ Word Nerd Editing

I plugged that little tidbit last month but had to do it again on release day. I gave an ARC away to one of my favorite readers and her reaction was a little like this →

“Wow!! I loved it! Taming J was so hard to put down, I just wanted to read faster to find out what, why and who! I’m so glad Mia, Bri, Trey, Ethan, and Shane are in this book to support Jackson and Jenn. I loved the relationship between Jackson and Jenn! The shenanigans between Bri, Mia and Jackson made me laugh. There is mystery, danger, suspense, but heartwarming, lighthearted, loving and romantic with just the right amount of steam and has the wow factor. The story is written so well, it just flows beautifully. The wait was worth it!”

Go grab your copy today!

I plan on doing a big marketing push for Taming J in the following months before focusing on my other books again. I’m putting together a good advertising plan for Conflicted and Complicated so that I can give them some much-needed attention, but that will be it on the audio front. As I’ve mentioned between my newsletter and last month's blog, everything audio related will remain on pause indefinitely. When my heart is back into it, I fully intend to dive back in and get the rest of my books on audio as well. That remains the ultimate goal. When I set one, I won’t stop until I achieve it. I’m not a quitter!

The narration of each book is certainly worth hearing so I encourage readers to pick up the audio version of Conflicted and Complicated, especially if you want to get through the Secrets and Lies series before reading Taming J.

You can pick up a copy of Conflicted on audio here →

You can grab a Complicated on audio here →

My final book related update is that I’m no longer doing the Graceland signing. This is disappointing for me to announce, but ultimately it’s what is best for me at the end of the day. Without going into great detail, I had a minor procedure done at the end of July that gave me some insight to a health issue I’ve been battling, but not everything was answered. I’m looking at additional testing that needs to be completed in upcoming months. Seeing as it took a month and a half just to get the first procedure on the books, I’m not holding my breath on when they’ll get this next one lined up. It doesn’t seem fair to keep a signing on the books when I know there’s a possibility I may have to back out. I don’t like doing that to coordinators or readers so I’ve chosen to forfeit my spot. The people who put this together deserve that kind of advance notice as do all the readers who purchase tickets. In the end, it’s probably for the best as there is a good chance my father may need back surgery this fall and that will put me front and center when it comes to getting him to and from appointments, picking up groceries and prescriptions, and whatever else my parents may need while he’s recovering and unable to drive.

On a personal note, if you haven’t caught a P!nk concert! I don’t know what in the world you are waiting for because she is by far one of the best performers on the face of the earth. I was lucky enough to go to her show at Target Field and it was everything I hoped for and so much more. I absolutely admire and adore the woman. She is truthfully life goals in every way!

I’m excited for fall to arrive. It brings with it my godson’s final football season before he heads off to play baseball at Ellsworth Community Collage on a full baseball scholarship. I hope he accomplishes every goal he sets his heart on and will be there to cheer for him when I can be. I’m all for the cooler weather, the leaves changing color, getting some golf in where I won’t feel like I’m standing on the surface of the sun, and putting a lot of miles on the pavement with Max and Maverick. Above all, I’m going to keep reminding myself to look up and be grateful for each day I’m here. Our time isn’t unlimited and I’ve had to face that hard reality many times in the last few years and yet again at the beginning of this month when my grandma passed away after a long battle with dementia. Remember to always tell your people how much you love them. You never know when it’ll be the last time!

Lots of giveaways will be running on Facebook, Instagram, and in MMK’s Rockin’ Divas this week so be sure to check them out for a chance to win. One of those items is a Kindle Fire so you definitely don’t want to miss a chance at winning that prize alone! Signed paperbacks and hardcovers of all my books will also be up for grabs. Gift cards, tumblers, loads of swag, and much will also be in the mix. Giveaways completely Taming J centric with brand new swag will also be up for a chance to win. You’ll be kicking yourself if you don’t check out one of them. You can even do so right from this letter by clicking on the link for each one listed!

If you miss a chance to enter the giveaways, feel free to check out the online store on my website. There are some fun bundles that are specific to the characters. You can also get signed copies of all the books in paperback and hardcover from there along with a lot of other goodies!

I mentioned this last month and will continue to do so every month so no one says they weren’t warned before they finished Taming J. I cannot guarantee that Saving Us will be released this year. There’s a warning with the book that specifically states it is not a standalone and it is being promoted as a romantic suspense book with a cliffhanger. Saving Us is going to be a whopper of a book for me because it’s going to tie everything together across all series and bring an end for all the characters.

I don’t want to give anything away on how it all weaves together, but I cannot stress enough that you will want to read the Secrets and Lies series before picking up Taming J. That series literally ties into several key parts of Taming J. If you want to have the full reader experience and really know what I mean, I’d pick up the Someday series as well. As many people learned in Concealed, I drop a lot of hints throughout my books on the direction of things to come for these characters. Certain things unfolded in both series that shaped the course of the plot of Taming J.

To make it easier for new readers to get their hands on the Secrets and Lies Series, I’ve made Conflicted FREE. Complicated and Concealed are 0.99 cents.

Conflicted (Secrets and Lies #1)

Complicated (Secrets and Lies #2)

Concealed (Secrets and Lies #3)

What are you waiting for?! Go grab your copy of Taming J today →


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